
SALVUS will be attending the London Summit 2019

SALVUS will be attending the London Summit 2019

The team of SALVUS is travelling to London on November 11th to meet with clients and industry peers, before, during and after the FINANCE MAGNATES LONDON SUMMIT.

The event is due to take place in Old Billingsgate, in the City of London and is expected to once more be attended by forex and CFD brokers, payment solution providers (PSPs) and technology firms specialising in regulation (regtech), Best Execution and reporting.

We are excited to participate and we do look forward in helping you find solutions for your challenges. It can be deciding on which licence to acquire and where or how to better optimise your structure for Compliance or banking.

Given the number of meetings we already have, we will be able to meet for short chats throughout the whole week. Get in touch via email at info@salvusfunds.com.

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