
SALVUS invited again to the iFX Expo

SALVUS invited again to the iFX Expo

The iFX Expo, the most important event in online trading and fintech, will be returning this year and we are excited to have been invited to participate once more. SALVUS will be represented by our Risk & Compliance Director, Evdokia Pitsillidou, who has been invited to participate as an industry expert speaker at the 2021 edition of the iFX EXPO International.

The event will take place at the Parklane Resort & Spa in Limassol, Cyprus, between the 4th-6th of October this year. Evdokia has already been announced as part of the event’s prestigious First Speaker Line-up. Our Risk & Compliance Director will be joined by esteemed financial service professionals and together will cover a diverse range of topics related from regulation to marketing.

We are excited to share and learn more about the technological advancements within our field, focusing on forex, investments, regtech, digital currencies, blockchain technology, and online trading. We are equally curious to explore areas such as the future of banking and what to expect in the years to come within this space.

The iFX Expo is the largest global B2B FinTech conference and we are thankful for the opportunity to share our knowledge of the industry with everyone involved – we hope to see you there.

To find out more about the event click here.

Please feel free to contact us via email at info@salvusfunds.com or call us at +357 7000 7898 if you would like any additional information.


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