
FATF increased monitoring & high-risk jurisdictions for October 2022

FATF increased monitoring

FATF increased monitoring & high-risk jurisdictions for October 2022

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the intergovernmental body responsible for setting international standards for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF). The FATF further monitors countries and jurisdictions to ensure the said standards are effectively implemented or to hold counties that do not comply to account.

In this respect, the FATF maintains a list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring and a list of jurisdictions subject to a call for action. Both lists are reviewed during FATF’s plenaries and updated based on FATF’s findings or political and economic developments around the globe.

Jurisdictions placed under increased monitoring are jurisdictions identified with strategic deficiencies. These jurisdictions do not mandate the application of enhanced due diligence measures or the rejection of customers originating from those jurisdictions, yet the FAFT calls for the application of a risk-based approach that considers the information provided in the risk analysis performed by obliged entities.

Often, these jurisdictions have committed to resolve swiftly the identified strategic deficiencies within agreed timeframes and are subject to increased monitoring. This list is externally referred to as the “grey list”. Jurisdictions identified with strategic deficiencies, placed by the FATF under increased monitoring as of October 2022, are:

  • Albania,
  • Barbados,
  • Burkina Faso,
  • Cambodia,
  • Cayman Islands,
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo,
  • Gibraltar,
  • Haiti,
  • Jamaica,
  • Jordan,
  • Mali,
  • Morocco,
  • Mozambique,
  • Panama,
  • Philippines,
  • Senegal,
  • South Sudan,
  • Syria,
  • Tanzania,
  • Turkey,
  • Uganda,
  • United Arab Emirates,
  • Yemen.

Jurisdictions no longer subject to increased monitoring due to progress in combating ML/TF are:

  • Nicaragua,
  • Pakistan.

On the contrary, high-risk jurisdictions subject to a call for action are those identified with significant strategic deficiencies in their regimes for countering ML/TF. For these jurisdictions, obliged entities are required to apply enhanced due diligence measures. In this regard, the FATF lists the below three jurisdictions as high-risk:

  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK),
  • Iran,
  • Myanmar.

Obliged entities subject to the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law of 2007, Cyprus Law 188(I)/2007 are required to consider the above information. Such considerations shall be reflected through adjustments of the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) risk scoring employed and the customer due diligence measures applied for customer onboarding and monitoring.

It is highlighted that deviation from the appropriate actions constitutes a violation of the said Law and can expose an entity to additional AML risk and result in administrative or criminal offences.

Contact us at info@salvusfunds.com if you have any questions or require support with your AML regulatory requirements; our Regulatory Compliance team can help you.


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