
CySEC RBS-F Form for CIF reporting year 2023

CySEC RBS-F Form for CIF reporting year 2023

On the 16th of April 2024, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) informs all Cyprus Investment Firms (CIF) through the release of Circular C632, of their reporting obligation to submit Form RBSF-CIF version 8.  

CIF regulated entities that were authorised by December 31st, 2023, even if they have not used their authorisation, are required to submit the RBS-F Form electronically via CySEC’s Transaction Reporting System (TRS), at the latest by Friday, 24th of May 2024. CIF shall be able to submit their RBS-F Form starting from the 16th of April 2024. 

As per Circular C632, additional information is requested or is amended for the completion of this year’s form, concerning: 

  • Section D – Clients’ Assets; adding a question regarding Off Balance Sheet Assets, 
  • Section G – Services; adding a question regarding the distribution of structured products, 
  • Section P – Additional Information of Clientele; requesting the information regarding the age group of retail clients only for physical persons, 
  • Section Q – Customers subject to International Sanctions; adding a Section that provides clarity to CySEC regarding the exposure of supervised entities to business relationships with persons subject to Sanctions/Restrictive Measures.  

In regard to the naming convention Username_yyyymmdd_RBSF-CIF, the Username denotes the TRS credentials of the regulated entity and yyyymmdd is the end date of the reporting period of the form.

The RBS-F Form is required to be completed in the English language, and report data in Euro rounded to the nearest unit.

In case any CIF fails to comply with the reporting obligation, it may be subject to administrative penalties in accordance with section 37(5) of the CySEC Law.

If you require more information or assistance regarding the RBS-F reporting obligation, please contact our Regulatory Compliance team by email at info@salvusfunds.com. We are always available to provide support and answer any questions you may have.


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