
EN#0250 – FSCA FSP Category 1 with MT4 license for sale

EN#0250 – FSCA FSP Category 1 with MT4 license for sale

An authorised Financial Service Provider (FSP) license in South Africa with a license for the MT4 trading platform, regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) is available for sale.

The FSP is incredible valuable as it holds

  • a rare and extremely valuable MT4 full license,
  • an MT4 white label license,
  • and an MT5 server.

These platforms are held, with the previous MetaQuotes terms, which make them extremely economical.

Additionally, the South African Category 1 FSP is able to provide a wide range of services through the following Category I Financial Services:

Financial ProductAdvice (automated)Advice (non-automated)Intermediary ScriptedIntermediary Other
Structured DepositsX
Securities and InstrumentsX
Participatory interests in a hedge fund X
Pension Funds BenefitsX
Money market instrumentsX
Debentures and securitized debtX
Warrants, certificates, and other instrumentsX
Derivative instrumentsX
Participatory interests in a collective investment schemeX
Long-term DepositsX
Short-term DepositsX

For further information on the sale of this FSP Category 1 license under the FSCA in South Africa, please contact our Mergers & Acquisitions team at info@salvusfunds.com. More entities for sale can be found within our Entity Acquisition or Sale service.

SALVUS Funds’ teams can be engaged for guiding on new license authorisations for investment, payments or crypto-asset services, ongoing regulatory compliance consultancy for such licensed entities, and support in successfully acquiring ready-made regulated entities.


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