
Annual Reporting Requirements

Annual Reporting Requirements

The culture within SALVUS promotes proactiveness. An area in which this has helped stay ahead of the curve was towards anticipated challenges from the regulatory reporting obligation. We ensure compliance with all the annual reporting obligations as it is essential for the elimination of last-minute distractions. SALVUS will help you stay on track and report your obligations as per the regulator, on time.

We support the preparation of the annual regulatory reports such as;

  • the Compliance report,
  • the Anti-Money Laundering report,
  • the Risk Management Report,
  • the Internal Audit Report,
  • the Disclosure of Information (Pillar III),
  • the OECD Common Reporting Standard (CRS),
  • the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA),
  • the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS 28) report of the Annual Execution Quality Summary Statement,
  • the Regulatory Technical Standards of (RTS 27) report on Execution Quality of Transactions, which is produced every quarter,
  • the Prudential Supervision Forms for the calculation of the Own Funds Ratio and Capital Adequacy Ratio, in accordance with the IFR & IFD, which are prepared 5 times per year,
  • the Quarterly Statistics Form QST-CIF,
  • the resolution reporting in XBRL format, using EBA taxonomy for submission to the Central Bank of Cyprus.

Furthermore, SALVUS team can support you with ad-hoc regulatory obligations, liaise for your Investor Compensation Fund (ICF) regulatory obligations and ensure you meet all regulatory deadlines – always on time.

We look forward to being of value in covering all your annual regulatory obligations. Please contact us at info@salvusfunds.com to discuss more.

Should you be interested to read about the Annual Reporting obligations, please visit the selected articles below: