
CySEC QST Form for CIF and ASP in Q1 – March 2024

CySEC QST Form for CIF and ASP in Q1 – March 2024

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) issued Circulars C624 and C625 to inform Administrative Service Providers (ASP) and Cyprus Investment Firms (CIF), respectively on the submission of the QST Form for the 1st quarter of 2024. 

All ASP and CIF regulated entities are required to complete and submit the newest versions of the QST Forms, via the CySEC Transaction Reporting System (TRS) of the below corresponding revised deadlines: 

Regulated entityDeadlineForm versionNaming convention
ASP30th of AprilQST-ASP Version 8Username_yyyymmdd_QST-ASP
CIF6th of MayQST-CIF Version 13Username_yyyymmdd_QST-CIF

It is important to note that the definition of a client varies throughout the QST-CIF Form. CIF regulated entities should pay close attention to the instructions provided at the beginning of the form and in its various sections. 

For each quarter, the cumulative reporting period begins at the start of the calendar year and ends at the final date of the reporting period. 

Regarding the naming convention, the Username denotes the TRS credentials of the regulated entity and yyyymmdd the end date of the reporting period of the form. 

QST forms are required to be completed in the English language and report data in Euro rounded to the nearest unit. Regulated entities shall report the investment and ancillary services provided during the reporting period and not all the services prescribed in their license. 

It is highlighted that the form must be submitted by all entities authorised by the 31st of March 2024, irrespective of whether they have made use or not of their authorisation. 

For more regulatory reporting obligations CIF  must meet in 2024, please visit the SALVUS Regulatory Reporting Obligations Calendar™.

Contact us via email at compliance@salvusfunds.com if you require additional information or support with the submission of the QST Form; our Regulatory Compliance team is ready.


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